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Working Holiday visa in Australia

Working Holidays Visa services in Australia 

The Working Holiday visa is for young people who are between the ages of 18 and 31 years of age looking to experience the Australian culture through working and travelling. The visa is temporary and lasts for up to a year. Eligible country passport holders may apply for a second visa. Visa holders are eligible to work for six months with one employer as well as study for up to four months. The visa also grants holders multiple entry to leave and re-enter Australia as long as the visa is valid.

First Working Holiday visa: Applicants must be outside of Australia when applying for this visa as well as when the visa has been decided.

Second Working Holiday visa: If applying for a second holiday visa within Australia, applicants must be within Australia when the visa is granted. If applying for the second visa outside of Australia, applicants must be outside of Australia when the visa application is granted.


  • are at least 18 but not yet 31 years of age
  • do not have a dependent child accompanying you at any time during your stay in Australia
  • have a passport from an eligible country.


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